October 6, 2008

For the ladies

You don't want to split your heart between two girls? Use my dynamic image frame and get happy with both! Here's the schematic to your satisfaction:
October 6, 2008


Say hi to the Spinster, a robot of sorts whose sole purpose in "life" is to spin aimlessly.  Intention is great, because it lets me explain what I would have done to the Spinster had I had the time
October 6, 2008

Mirror Mirror

It is now more evident then ever that our generation (and the future generations to come) our immensely obsessed and marveled with physical beauty. It is quite normal to look into a mirror and catch your
October 5, 2008


This device takes the notion of changing over time to a very literal level, using the hands of an analog clock as an external variable that affects the conductivity of the circuit, triggering a constantly
October 5, 2008

{Not} a Wind Chime

This is an audio mobile made from recyclable material. It is a criticism on the effect humans have on nature. It replaces the wind of a wind chime with a motor, the bamboo (or other possibly natural material)
September 28, 2008

love switch

This switch is an attempt at making a kitsch-art/romantic artifact. (more…)
September 22, 2008


I made a switch that turns on the led for 1 minute every hour. I made this by connecting on side of the switch on the 12 of my clock and the other one on the minute branch. When they are in contact, the
September 22, 2008

liquid switch

Here' s the schematic for the liquid switch circuit:
September 22, 2008

Writing block, pen and my keys

Here is the schematic of the last switch described on my personal site. It uses items on my desk to close the circuit. See my personal site for pictures and a description.
September 22, 2008

The Hoodie Switch

My idea was to use the zipper of my hoodie as a switch. When the zipper is open, nothing happens, but when you close the zipper it will close the circuit and power up an IR laser. The infrared laser pointer
September 22, 2008

Morse Stapler

My switch serves as a sort of Morse code input device. Not the most innovative idea I'm sure, but it served as a good exercise for me to grasp the basics of using the breadboard + Arduino. For more
September 22, 2008

Half Empty/Full Cup

My switch is closed when a liquid connects two paper clips mounted on each side of a drinking cup. Whenever the cup is filled to a certain level, the LED goes on indicating that the cup has been
September 21, 2008

Zipper switch

I implemented a switch that can be activated by the opening and closing of the zipper on a piece of clothing.  The circuit causes an LED to light whenever the zipper is in contact with its base. 
September 21, 2008

Composite Switch.

An insulating textile will serve as a permanent connector. On its own, it will initiate the off state. When retaining its counterpart, a conductive element, it will act to close the circuit. Also, once
September 20, 2008

Shot Glass Switch

The switch that I have created incorporates a shot glass and saucer wrapped in aluminum foil. When someone takes the glass off the saucer the LED light indicates that someone has taken a drink. See my
September 20, 2008

Peephole Switch

My switch is created by using two halves of a peephole. When someone looks through the peephole, a LED lights to indicate this event to the person on the other side. This illustrates a lack of privacy