I made a switch that turns on the led for 1 minute every hour. I made this by connecting on side of the switch on the 12 of my clock and the other one on the minute branch. When they are in contact, the →
Here is the schematic of the last switch described on my personal site. It uses items on my desk to close the circuit. See my personal site for pictures and a description.
My idea was to use the zipper of my hoodie as a switch. When the zipper is open, nothing happens, but when you close the zipper it will close the circuit and power up an IR laser. The infrared laser pointer →
My switch serves as a sort of Morse code input device. Not the most innovative idea I'm sure, but it served as a good exercise for me to grasp the basics of using the breadboard + Arduino. For more →
My switch is closed when a liquid connects two paper clips mounted on each side of a drinking cup. Whenever the cup is filled to a certain level, the LED goes on indicating that the cup has been →
I implemented a switch that can be activated by the opening and closing of the zipper on a piece of clothing. The circuit causes an LED to light whenever the zipper is in contact with its base. →
An insulating textile will serve as a permanent connector. On its own, it will initiate the off state. When retaining its counterpart, a conductive element, it will act to close the circuit. Also, once →
The switch that I have created incorporates a shot glass and saucer wrapped in aluminum foil. When someone takes the glass off the saucer the LED light indicates that someone has taken a drink. See my →
My switch is created by using two halves of a peephole. When someone looks through the peephole, a LED lights to indicate this event to the person on the other side. This illustrates a lack of privacy →